ITB Mailer
An Innovative Bitcoin Based List and Credit Mailer
With A Unique “Always There” Compensation Plan!
Your Bitcoin Accumulation and Advertising Community
The ITB Mailer is an exciting new addition to our successful 7 year old Traffic Exchange that has paid out over 40 Bitcoin and delivered over 45,141,915 visitors to our member advertisers since launch.
Please Read This Entire Page then Come Back to these Reference Links for more in- depth details.
Thank you,
Frank and Clint
We are excited about the debut of the ITB Mailer which will launch on Thursday, January 4th, 2023.
By adding another marketing resource AND a complimentary compensation plan we just keep adding value and opportunity to our community!
“The Bigger We Get the Greater the Value and the Greater the Value the Bigger We’ll Get”
~ Thanks to You!
With an already in place Traffic Exchange membership base of over 22,000 we are excited about the potential for rapid growth for the ITB Mailer.
And, better yet, our “Always There” compensation plan is a BIG win for the Little Guy and Big Marketer alike, not to mention our BTC 0.05 ($2,000) Launch Sales Contest!
This innovative rewards plan allows members to immediately begin earning from purchases made by their downline down TEN Compressed levels!
GOOD NEWS ⇒ If you already have a team in ITB that team is ALREADY in your ITB Mailer Downline!
And, you can earn from your downline even if you are not yet an upgraded member in ITB Mailer. All you have to do is to Opt In to the ITB Mailer (See the Getting Started Guide for Directions).
Once you opt in to the ITB Mailer you can earn from upgraded downline members and your downline WILL always remain intact, even if you are not a paid member!
Simply make sure to view at least one email ad every few days (depending on your membership level) and you’ll retain your earnings potential!
This is an astounding leap forward in helping our community to earn from their team even BEFORE upgrading in the mailer!
Never worry about losing your downline or being compressed out of the compensation plan! Your Team is ALWAYS There!
And, for experienced marketers, an astounding 34% direct referral commission and a ten deep fully compressed compensation is just about as lucrative as it gets!
Watch the video above for all the deep dive details.
A simple membership plan only has two membership levels! Our upgraded members are able to send to up to 3,000 members every three days and our valued free members can earn mailing credits by viewing ads. SIMPLE!
To make sure that we deliver top notch value to our early members we are offering Special Pre-Launch Pricing to the First 1,000 Paid members.
Of course as the Leading Bitcoin Accumulation and Advertising Community in the World our pricing is always in Bitcoin.
It is our goal to grow the ITB Mailer to hundreds of thousands or even millions of members over time and we want to reward our early adopters.
With that in mind we are offering 1,000 specially priced memberships at prices that will never, ever be available again. (That’s a TOTAL of 1,000 not 1,000 each)
LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS – BTC 0.004 (apx $160). Yep, that’s a LIFETIME of mailing to up to 3,000 active marketers every three days AND a LIFETIME of earnings potential. No Monthly, No Annual Fees EVER.
IMPORTANT ⇒ We will never EVER Offer Lifetime Memberships after this Pre-Launch Offer is Filled
EXTENDED ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP – BTC 0.001 (apx $40). This is a One Year Membership and the renewal date doesn’t occur until one year AFTER we sold all 1,000 of the Pre-Launch Discounted memberships. In other words, there is no reason to wait!
GOOD NEWS ⇒ Your Extended Annual Membership will renew at the same price providing you with additional savings!
Annual Membership – BTC 0.002 (apx $80)
Monthly Membership – BTC 0.00025 (apx $10)
REMINDER ⇒ Don’t be afraid of the monthly membership. Your downline will also be intact and you’ll always earn in your as long as your account is active!
As previously noted the compensation plan pays a massive TEN Levels Deep, even Free Members earn down TEN Levels!
This is NOT a forced matrix so you get paid for the team that you build WITH your team and you are rewarded substantially (34%) on ALL of your direct referrals! (Big Builders LOVE this!)
Here’s the Percentage Payout by Level (Remember, you quite possibly already have a downline in place if you have been an active member of InfinityTrafficBoost!
Because of the “Always There” Compensation Plan the residual income potential is staggering!
Because there is a low barrier to entry (Free), and no fear of loss (lose your downline if you don’t renew) and you’ll always earn (even if only free as long as you are active).
This means that MILLIONS of enthusiastic marketers around the world can finally come build their LIFETIME TEAM and Build ONCE and Earn FOREVER.
REMEMBER ⇒ The Compensation Plan is NOT a Forced Matrix so that means that your big builder referrals won’t be pushed down the matrix as they would in a Forced Matrix.
Let’s Have a Look at the Monthly Income Potential based on today’s pricing and ONLY Assuming a three wide matrix (Fasten your seat belt!):
With only simple duplication of 3 Get 3 you could be earning nearly 1 FULL BITCOIN Each and EVERY Month as an upgraded member!
And, because of the 34% direct referral commission you only need three directs to cover your monthly fee (Unless, of course, you have grabbed the pre-launch Lifetime or Extended Annual Membership!)
IMPORTANT ⇒ The ITB Mailer BTC pricing model is designed to always assure that membership costs are within affordable price ranges regardless of how high (or how low) Bitcoin trades vs. the US Dollar.
Since the launch of ITB in February, 2017 we have had code in place that reduces the membership pricing by half when BTC doubles and doubles the membership price when BTC drops back within a previous range.
We will have the same pricing protections in place for ITB Mailer to assure affordability and value at all times.
Lock In Your LIFETIME or Extended Annual Membership NOW.
GOOD NEWS ⇒ We have designed the Pre-Launch to assure that you are upgraded before your referrals regardless of who funds their ITB Mailer wallet first (Hey, it’s the right thing to do!)
Here’s how that will work and what you need to do to make sure you are locked in above your downline (as many as TEN LEVELS DEEP!).
Fund Your Mailer Wallet (Instructions Below) with BTC 0.001 or 0.004 As Soon As Possible to lock in and assure you (1) Stay ahead of your downline and (2) grab one of the 1,000 Pre-Launch Priced Memberships
Then, at 12:01 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time on Thursday, January 4th, 2023 the upgrade cron will begin. This will process members who have funded their wallet with at least BTC 0.001 and that process will occur in member number order assuring that you are upgraded prior to your downline. (Yay!)
GOOD NEWS ⇒ If your ITB Mailer wallet is funded prior to 12:01 U.S. Eastern Time on Thursday, January 4th, 2023 you will be ASSURED of getting one of the Pre-Launch memberships EVEN IF WE SELL MORE THAN 1,000. That’s only fair, right?
So, don’t risk it, fund your ITB Mailer Wallet NOW!
To qualify for earnings (even as a free member) you need to OPT IN to the ITB Mailer portion of ITB. (We couldn’t just start sending member emails to tens of thousands of members!)
So, click on the “Edit Site Settings” in the upper right portion of your ITB members area
Then Select “DISABLE” the Vacation Mode so that you can participate in the mailer earnings and list or credit mailer:
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!
We have created a separate wallet for ITB Mailer so your funds and earnings are kept separate from your main ITB wallet.
To purchase you’ll fund this wallet, Mailer commissions will be paid to this wallet and subscriptions (for those for whom it’s applicable) will be deducted from this wallet.
To find your ITB Mailer Wallet select “Wallet” in the drop down from “Financial” in your members area menu at ITB:
You will see information about both your wallets (ITB main wallet and ITB Mailer wallet) on the left side of that page:
To Fund Your Wallet You Can:
*Transfer funds from your ITB Main Wallet
*Deposit funds
*Transfer funds from your InfinityMailerBoost or InfinityListBoost accounts
*Receive funds from a team member is even possible
To Deposit Funds You Click on the “Deposit Funds” on the right side of your wallet page and select deposit as indicated and follow the instructions.
To Transfer Funds simply use the Transfer option in the far lower left section of your Wallet page.
PRE-LAUNCH SALES CONTEST – .05 BTC ($2,000 in Prizes!)
We are awarding a total of .05 in Bitcoin to the Top 3 Members who refer the most ITB Mailer upgrades and we are also awarding 3 Random members with BTC Prizes, too!
You can see the prizes here or go directly to the “Cash Contest” in the Affiliates Section of Your Members Area:
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